First of all i'm going to talk about the outfit I decided to wear in Florence,Italy. I will be honest I don't really like jeans because it isn't the most comfortable. But i obviously have to wear Jeans sometimes because it is more convenient and I live in an Arab country so in order to dress more conservative due to their culture i have to adapt and end up wearing jeans most of the time in the MiddleEast (I hate it but oh well...) but there's nothing i can do about it. When I was in Florence it was really hot too but I decided to wear jeans because I needed to mix things up fashion wise. Therefore, I decided to wear light colored jeans which are one of my favorite jeans since they're tight and the color is really cute! I wore a blouse for the summertime because it is white which made my outfit look fresh, classy, casual and comfortable. The top has a detail which i love since you can tie it in the front which makes the look really feminine and girly as well.
Lo primero que les hablare es sobre los pantalones (jeans.) no me gustan los pantalones (jeans.)los uso solo a veces cuando es necesario uno de mis poblemas es que vivo en un pais arabe y la mayoria del tiempo tengo que utilizar pantalones (odio esto.) pero no puedo hacer nada cuando estuve en Florencia habia mucho calor, pero ese dia decidi usar jeans porque dije tengo que mesclar y hacer differentes combinaciones decidi utilizar estos jeans son unos de mis favoritos me encantan por que son pegados y el color es muy lindo. The blusa decidi utilizar una muy linda blanca muy fresca para el tiempo de verano y comoda tambien me encanto el detalle que tiene en el cuello puedes hacer un lazo me parece que se ve muy femenino y lindo.
Outfit From:
Pants from:H&M
Bag from: louis vuitton
Blazer from:H&M
Atuendo de:
Cartera:louis vuitton

Valentina Romero
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